Newsletter Submissions

Hey y’all! We are now accepting submissions for the newsletter. If you wrote or know a poem, quote, or story that you would like featured, now’s your chance! Just send it to . Now, here’s the rules…
Original Work On Poems And Stuff Like That- If you have written something and would like to submit it, please email it to the email address above. Please include your first name and last name initial. No code-names will be accepted. Age Optional. Please don’t include the following…

~War(unless included in time period)


~Any Unappropriated Words

~Using God’s Name In Vain

Original Story’s- If you have a story you wrote an would like to share with us, that would be awesome. It has the same rules as above. If it is a chapter story, we would love if you would send in a chapter a month, so that we can put it in once a month. Also, we would like if you include a short bio about you.

Also, if you find a good quote or poem online, we will accept them, too! Just be sure to send the name(Unless Unknown) of the person who wrote it.;)
Thanks, and we really appreciate when you follow the rules. Also, everything is read before posted anywhere.
~CTL crew