Update On M1820

Here is a message from JG Carse from M1820:Youth In prayer…

We have officially grown out of our old site. If you are going to use a form to submit prayer requests go to the link below and if your refer it to others send them to the link below also to join.


The official home page is:


Your Brother In Christ,

JG Carse



We really need a graphic designer for our newsletter. We have somebody for this month, but then we have nobody. So if you can help us, please email us at ourctl.gmail.com . Then if you could send a sample of your work we would be pleased. If you need some help, my friend can help teach you and answer your questions. Thanks so much!
~The whole team of CTL

CTL Newsletter

Attention everybody! CTL is now starting a monthly newsletter. We will be starting this August. If you would like to receive this, please sign up to follow our blog via email on the sidebar. We will then send the email to you sometime in August. If you are following this blog but for some reason you do not want to receive the email, please comment on this post with your email listed or contact us at ourctl@gmail.com . Thanks!
~ The whole crew of CTL
P.S. We are also looking for guest posts each month. If you would like more info, please email us at the email mentioned above.



Announcement!!!! Calling all girls! Real4Him is a brand new blog made just for girls, made by us girls at CTL. We really think you should check it out. And though their is not a lot now, we are going to add a LOT more to it. Thanks!

~Girls of CTL

(Boy’s, don’t worry. The boy’s of CTL are making a boys blog too. So it shouldn’t take too long…)


Dear readers,

We have been having problems with spam posts on our blog. While we are working on deleting them, it is extremely hard to access them. We are very sorry for the inconvenience, and hope to have this problem resolved soon. But, meanwhile, we would appreciate you not posting comments to advertise your site, like how you can get 500 viewers for us. Though you may be able to, we trust God to lead people to our blog. We don’t want to pay people to visit. We normally delete comments who say something like that. Thank you for understanding and, as said above, we are trying to get the problem resoled very soon.


The Administrators

Side Note- We don’t want you to not post comments. Just don’t post if you are trying to advertise a site or blog. We would love you to post feedback, though, if you have something good to say. Thanks again!